I almost gave up on the whole Integral thing, twice.
First, in 2009, when I thought nothing pragmatic is going to come out of my fascination with the emerging metatheory. Just as I was about to quit my Integral Life subscription, Integral Coaching Canada was featured on a special issue of AQAL Journal. I enrolled into their inaugural program of European coaches and ended up starting my own coaching company.
After years of hard work of getting the business up and running, I found myself in the full catastrophe with three young kids, a mortgage, and a company to run. I loved what I did – coaching and consulting – but something felt off. In making ends meet, I had all but given up on my passion of translating Integral into everyday language.
That changed two weeks ago.
I accepted the invitation to present at the Future Human Conference with gratitude and trepidation. I had “translated Integral into everyday language” mostly within the confines of my first language and culture. I was really excited to talk about it.
I had also never been so afraid about a professional commitment. Not in defending my dissertation on Ken Wilber as a spiritual innovator, not in talking in front of the Finnish Parliament about Integral, nor in trying to convince one client after another that it is in their best interest to hire me, really, it is.
What I found out during the conference is that “OM” sounds a lot like “home”.
We all came home in Denver. Not a physical place, mind, but a place within. We were there. It was loving, lovable, fun, and not scary at all.
I want to thank everyone and every One for bringing us home.
Steve invited us to a party at his house. Tom and Paul and everyone did insane efforts (I can only imagine!) in helping the material, intellectual and spiritual logistics shake hands. My friend Kathy took me to the Denver Art Museum (and Office Depot!). Karen was shining as a beacon of hope. My brother Keith kicked ass (he does that for a living, I guess). Stanley played The Guitar at Steve’s house (he’s got a new album coming out, I’ve heard). Bruce invoked the future spirit in nano form. Adam Leonard listened to what I had to say. Roger Walsh shook my hand and thanked me. Ken Wilber answer my question. As did all of us, in different guises, for each other. The ultimate questions of what is home, and who we really are. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and friendship.
And with that experience of oneness, I am back home, in the explosion of green that is summer blooming in Finland. Next year it’s going to be an explosion of teal.
What the conference did – what we did – was to restore faith and re-ignite the fire that we are meant to carry. It also, showed, on a very personal level, something that I was hesitant, nervous, and even scared about: that my simple idea of making Integral as simple as possible (but not any simpler) actually does translate. I can’t express in words how much that experience means.
Coming up with a thing of one’s own is always exciting; testing it in real life often turns the excitement into fear. What if it’s crap?
Well, it’s not.
We’re all golden.
Getting into the emancipatory philosophy of Integral theory 20 years ago changed my life. So did the conference. I see a different future for myself and the world within Me.
– JP
P.S. After the conference I woke up in the middle of the night, body still in Denver time. I took out my new Macbook I purchased for the conference from the Helsinki airport (I was so nervous that I had to buy it!) and started typing a new book.
It’s on…talking about Integral in everyday language.
Sort of like an “Integral Lite” type of thing.
I’ll let you know when it’s finished.