For leaders, entrepreneurs and high-level performers.
The Spirit Leader is a high-end, boutique program for supporting yourself as a human being first, a leader, entrepreneur or an artist second.
CHECK IT OUTA premium program for the high-achieving entrepreneur.
CHECK IT OUTI will help you grow to a new way of being.
Ken Wilber (b. 1949) is an American philosopher who, for nearly 50 years, has developed a unifying “theory of everything”. Wilber’s Integral Theory attempts to take into account the most amount of reality with the least amount of concepts, uniting the objective reality of physics, biology and systems, with the subjective realities of mind, consciousness and culture.
– Ken Wilber is not unlike the Steve Jobs of spirituality. Where Jobs issued technology for the non-techonological person, Wilber has done the same for the great religious and spiritual traditions, helping rational adherents differentiate between the pre-rational and trans-rational elements in religions, JP Jakonen suggests.
The book – released as an academic dissertation – can be downloaded for free.
shameless love FROM my CLIENTS
“In one powerful coaching conversation JP ‘channeled’ three books that acted as the perfect keys to unlock my coaching business and take my coaching to the next level. My income has since tripled and there is no end in sight.”
”“I feel like I’ve had enough from your coaching to last me a lifetime!“
”“There are no short cuts in life and no ‘one-size-fits-all method. JP’s coaching is tailored to your needs. Highly recommended!”
The Planetary Inclusion Scale involves the idea of broader ethical thinking. Transcending the human-biosphere boundary in life-preserving ways is increasingly important. Evaluating personal beliefs and experiences helps to become aware of one’s planetary relationship. The nature of this relationship is increasingly central when seeking solutions to climate change, biodiversity loss and the depletion of natural resources.
I got invited to speak at the inaugural ICON 2024: Future Human Conference in Denver, Colorado.
I was thrilled to share the stage with such luminaries as Ken Wilber • Keith Witt • Andrew Holecek • Duane Elgin • Roger Walsh • Steve McIntosh • Allan Combs • Rica Viljoen • Bence Ganti • Layman Pascal • Bruce Alderman • Mark Fischler • Kim Barta • Bett Bollhoefer • Simon Senzon • Tucker Walsh • Terri O’Fallon • Thomas Steininger • Mark Forman • Tom Habib • Paul Bloch • Mark Fischler • Thomas Murray • Alexander Love • Khaled El Sherbini • and many more scholars, philosophers and intellectual activists at the leading edge of our common cultural evolution.
ICON stands at the vanguard of envisioning and creating a future that embraces holistic and integrative solutions. It’s a platform where diverse voices from various realms of human knowledge and experience converge.
My session was about “How to Translate Integral into Everyday Language”.
I was so grateful for the experience and all the wonderful people involved with the conference that I wrote an open letter of gratitude. You can read it here:
Wow, you actually read this far. Let’s get to know each other, then!
Let me start by telling you my life story.
I was a lonely child…
No, let’s skip that. And I wasn’t. I was a chubby kid who liked horror films.
Three experiences changed my life.
One, I had a spontaneous awakening to my true nature when I was 13. I had no idea what had happened. What I did know, beyond any doubt, that this personality is not all there is to being human.
Two, I got really depressed and broken-hearted when I was 18, and wanted to find a way to be free from the suffering.
Three, after not knowing what to do with my life, I enrolled into university to study religion, philosophy and psychology.
My professors told me that Big Questions do not belong in the academia. They suggested I tackle something easier, something more manageable, something more…conventional.
After discovering Ken Wilber in 2004, I stopped listening to them.
I got my PhD on “Ken Wilber as a Spiritual Innovator” (the first ever doctorate on Wilber’s philosophy in Study of Religion), set up a business, and kept on doing what I’ve always done:
Talking with interesting, intelligent and spiritually aware people on how to live a meaningful, satisfying and a FREE life.
Freedom is a big deal and a universal core value. It means three things.
One, being free from suffering.
Two, being free to pursue your life goals.
And three, being free to help others as your freedom naturally expands beyond your imaginary limits.
Let me tell you a bit about my background in this.
My approach is like Jack Reacher meets MacGyver who’s into Zen, but, you know, in coaching.
No one gets punched in the face.
(Until they do.)
Along the way I have studied under several spiritual disciplines, including Tibetan Buddhism, Zen, Vipassana, and Gurdjieff Work. My current practice is to notice the noticing itself. It’s an approach familiar from the works of Eckhart Tolle, Sailor Bob Adamson and Fred Davis. The lineage of this, sometimes called nonduality, goes back at least a few thousand years, and extends pretty much to all cultures.
As a coach, I am certified by Integral Coaching Canada, the world’s premier coaching school. Along with my colleagues, we were the first cohort of European coaches, trained by founders Joanne Hunt and Laura Divine in 2009.
I have written six books, five of which are bestsellers. In Finland, that doesn’t require much, I can tell you.
The books are pretty decent, though. They cover topics from leadership to being an entrepreneur to Integral thinking.
I’ve also written a philosophical novel, but let’s not talk about that.
My coaching is effective and to the point. I like to ask annoying questions. They usually help. Ditto for my consulting work, which I’ve done for every imaginable line of business from theater to construction to governance to…well, come to think of it, I haven’t done anything with aquarium cleaners.
I meet my clients via Zoom, Teams, Meet or Skype.
I also have a very cool office on a remote island on the west coast of Finland, which you are quite welcome to visit.
If you would like to talk about how you, your organization and your people could enjoy more and suffer less – while making a profit – please get in touch.