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Integral for Dummies

This page is dedicated to conveying the essence of Integral Theory in a simple fashion. 

A THEORY OF EVERYTHING IN THREE EASY STEPS – How to Explain Integral Theory for Friends, Clients, Colleagues and the Occasional Stranger (San Diego Integral, October 22, 2022)

The central idea – a multi-storey building as an analogy for Integral Theory – is explained in less than 15 minutes from 1:20:40 to 1:32:30.

The phenomenology of psychological suffering and emancipation (see chart below) is explained in four minutes from 2:21:54 to 2:26:00.

Integral Theory as a Multi-Storey Building (Jakonen, 2023)

The Phenomenology of Psychological Suffering and Emacipation (Jakonen, 2022)

Carrying Fire – Way Forward for Integral Foresight -article 

One of Richard Slaughter’s central innovations has been to bring the other half of reality to the field of Futures Studies. Slaughter has argued for the inner dimension of ideas, developmental levels, and mentation to be as central – if not more so – than the technical, systemic and concrete reality the field was founded upon. In this article I will present an overview of Slaughter’s central innovations that have carried the field towards a more Integral age. I will also propose a way forward for Integral Futures that is dependent on a simple heuristic model that can help simplify the complexity of Integral Theory.

An excerpt from the article:

Ken Wilber as a Spiritual Innovator – Studies in Integral Theory (PhD Dissertation)

The American philosopher Ken Wilber has suggested that the great religious traditions provide ways of transcending the modern world-knot of being included in a mechanistic universe, instead of living in a meaningful cosmos. For this function to succeed, the traditions need to update many of their central concepts for the twenty-first century. The PhD study conducted by JP Jakonen argues that Wilber’s Integral Theory helps spiritual traditions to thrive in the intellectual climate of today’s world by going beyond polarity thinking.

Also, please do get in touch if have an idea for a professional collaboration or just want to talk. Send an email to jpjako@gmail.com or click here.